News and Information

VM ware or VirutalBox are excellent choices for vitalization options.  We have some experience with these computing solutions.

Elmer & Step are great alternates to COMSOL multi 1000's dollar Multi-physics Simulation program.  Take a look if you dare!??!?!

Runs in both Linux and Windows.  Have fun with it if you like physics that is!?!?



Recycling is as important as how we as a society manager our sold and liquid wastes.  Previously used products can be made into new products AT A MUCH LOWER COST and they create job in our area when people like you decide to do the right thing and please FOR THE earth's sakes RECYCLE!!!!   "EVERY OUNCE COUNTS"™


Ideas in progress!

Previously we assisted people as needed while maintaining the existing features of all subjects and procedures necessary to achieving success!  And, of course to exploring the idea of John Gait and company,  former engineer at Twentieth Century Motor Company!  (credit to Ayn Rand an arthur and icon)

Announcing New Product Launch

We can provide tons of hardware options from the channel.  Access to 10 of 1000's of products from all the major Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM's)  call for details!

Our Goal

We love it when we can provide our customers with their dream computer solution. That’s why we have the best and most creative people in the industry on hand to design and build the exact solution that you want.